Picture this – you had your wisdom tooth removed not very long ago. You survived the procedure, the medication, and the discomfort. And now you are super glad that you never have to go through all that pain and cost of removal again.
But is there a specific part of you that fears a return of the big, bad wisdom tooth?
Can wisdom teeth grow back after they are extracted?
The answer is no. Wisdom teeth cannot grow back once they are extracted. It is, however, possible that a person can have more than the typical four wisdom teeth. These additional teeth, also known as supernumerary teeth, may erupt after your original wisdom teeth are removed. But the chances of that happening are about 2%, according to a 2015 study.
So what exactly are wisdom teeth, and why do people fear that they might grow back? Let’s find out!
What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that are located at the very back of your mouth. Most people typically have four wisdom teeth, where one tooth is located at the end of each row of your pearly whites at the very back of your mouth.
While wisdom teeth erupt commonly during the late teens, they sometimes tend to stay in place and may emerge only partially or at a crooked angle, leading to problems such as painful crowding with the other teeth, infections, and swollen gums.
Why Do We Have Wisdom teeth?
Before we tackle the question of “Can wisdom teeth grow back?” it is important to understand why we have wisdom teeth in the first place. After all, these teeth cause nothing but heartache and are a major pain to remove.
Research shows that the origins of wisdom teeth can be dated back to our ancestors, for whom these additional molars were a necessity. This was due to their tough diet of raw and unprocessed foods. Our ancestors had larger jaws that could contain more teeth, which helped them ingest their tough diet and sustain their bodies.
Thanks to evolutionary changes and the major advancements we have made in our diet, the requirement to use wisdom teeth has diminished with time but has brought with it various issues such as teeth crowding, impaction, and infections.
Why Do People Get Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Your dentist may bring up the possibility of a wisdom tooth extraction if the tooth becomes troublesome for you.
Here are some common scenarios wherein your dentist might suggest a complete removal of your wisdom tooth.
Impaction is one of the most popular reasons for a wisdom tooth removal procedure. Because wisdom teeth are essentially additional teeth, they often do not have enough space to emerge completely or align properly with the rest of your teeth.
This can lead to tooth impaction, followed by pain, swelling, and potential damage to neighboring teeth.
While wisdom teeth may have been a necessity for our ancestors with their large jaws and tough diets, the current human jaw is comparatively smaller. As a result, wisdom teeth usually do not have sufficient space to emerge completely without causing overcrowding issues. This can lead to the misalignment or shifting of adjacent teeth.
Infections and Gum Disease
If you thought that the only problems associated with wisdom teeth were impaction and overcrowding, you are in for a rude surprise.
Wisdom teeth are located right at the back of your teeth. Their positioning makes it quite challenging to clean them properly, resulting in an accumulation of plaque and subsequent infections and gum diseases. The complete extraction of wisdom teeth can help in preventing such problems.
Tooth Decay
Due to their difficulty in cleaning, wisdom teeth are more prone to tooth decay when compared to the other teeth in your mouth. Decay in wisdom teeth can spread to neighboring teeth, impacting overall oral health. To avoid such scenarios, you can opt for an extraction as a preventive measure to prevent dental decay and cavities.
Pain & Discomfort
It is common knowledge that a wisdom tooth eruption is almost always accompanied by pain, discomfort, and swelling in the gums. You might also experience severe headaches and jaw pain due to the pressure that is exerted by the emerging wisdom teeth. Extracting the wisdom tooth can help alleviate and manage such symptoms.
Cysts & Tumors
In extreme cases of emerging wisdom teeth, cysts or tumors can form around the impacted wisdom tooth and cause damage to the surrounding bone and teeth. An extraction becomes necessary in such a case to prevent further complications.
Orthodontic Treatment
Dentists might also recommend the removal of your wisdom teeth in case they interfere with planned orthodontic treatment. Removing wisdom teeth can help maintain the results of costly treatment and allow proper alignment of your teeth after an orthodontic intervention.
Preventive Measure
Proactive removal of wisdom teeth is not uncommon these days, and many dentists recommend the same to prevent any noticeable issues before they even occur. This preventive approach helps avoid potential complications and maintain your oral health.
When Should You Be Worried About Your Wisdom Teeth?
Regular visits to your dentist can ensure that they can keep an eye on the growth of your wisdom teeth. There is no reason to be worried about your extra molars unless:
It has only erupted partially: Partial eruptions give bacteria plenty of opportunity to enter your gums and create infections, leading to swollen and infected gums.
They aren’t growing correctly: Wisdom teeth growing in at a crooked angle can prevent you from effectively cleaning the space between the wisdom tooth and the second molar.
They’re in the wrong position: If your wisdom teeth are erupting in the wrong position, they can trap food and cause cavity-causing bacteria to grow.
They do not have enough space: Wisdom teeth that do not have enough space may crowd or damage your neighboring teeth, causing multiple oral problems.
Debunking the Myth Behind the Question, “Can Wisdom Teeth Grow Back?”
Contrary to what many people believe, wisdom teeth cannot grow back after they have been properly extracted. Once a wisdom tooth is removed, it is gone for good.
The main reason for this logical deduction lies in the anatomy of the tooth and the jawbone. Unlike other animals that can continuously grow and replace their teeth, human teeth have a finite growth period; once the teeth are removed, they do not regenerate.
In some cases, individuals may experience the growth of additional teeth, known as supernumerary teeth, which are usually the result of a condition called hyperdontia. In case you suffer from this condition, you can get these additional teeth removed just like you would your wisdom teeth.
Now that we have successfully answered your question, “Can wisdom teeth grow back?” you can dump the notion of wisdom tooth regrowth. Be happily assured in the fact that once these troublesome molars have been appropriately extracted, they will not grow back. Understanding the causes behind wisdom tooth removal and when you should be worried about them can help you tackle any misconceptions.
If you have any concerns or questions about your wisdom teeth, you are most welcome to get in touch with the experts at Valley Ridge Dental. Contact us today to book your appointment. You can call us at (651) – 439 – 0322 or visit us at 12425 55th St N Suite B, Lake Elmo, MN 55042.
Get personalized advice and guidance at Valley Ridge Dental for your oral health journey.
What happens if you don’t get your wisdom teeth removed?
If your wisdom tooth has fully erupted, is healthy, and does not pose a problem with other teeth, you can avoid getting yoru wisdom tooth removed altogether. However, delaying a wisdom tooth removal in cases of impaction, overcrowding, or infections leads to severe oral cavity problems and potential damage to all other teeth.
Can wisdom tooth growth be painful?
If your wisdom tooth does not have enough space to grow out, the eruption can be typically accompanied by jaw discomfort, swollen or bleeding gums, bad breath, pain, headaches, and difficulty in opening the mouth.
How much does wisdom tooth removal cost?
The cost of wisdom tooth extraction largely depends on the dentist, your location, and the condition of your wisdom tooth. On average, you can expect costs close to the following:
Simple Extraction: $75 – $200 for one tooth and $300 – $1000 for all four teeth
Surgical Extraction with Soft Tissue Impaction: $225 – $600 for one tooth and $800 – $1800 for all four teeth.
Surgical Extraction with Bony Impaction: $250 – $500 for one tooth and $1000 – $2300 for all four teeth.
You can get in touch with the team at Valley Ridge Dental to discuss financing options.
Can wisdom teeth grow back?
Once your wisdom teeth are correctly extracted, they cannot grow back.