It’Everyone possesses a unique set of teeth. And all eyes wish to see a perfectly white, straight row of teeth. They are considered the most aesthetically pleasing, after all. However, not everyone can be like the lucky few with straight teeth. People with misaligned teeth tend to look more different than others. Sometimes, misaligned teeth can result from a single tooth that is out of place. In other instances, it could be a whole row of teeth that looks out of place. One such misalignment condition is called an overbite. Let’s take a look at what an overbite is and tackle the issue of how to fix an overbite.
What is an Overbite?
An overbite, also medically referred to as malocclusion, is a misalignment condition that occurs when your upper front teeth jut out farther than the teeth in your lower jaw. This condition can lead to a significant overlap between your upper and lower jaw teeth.
The teeth in your upper and lower jaw need to align correctly to form a proper bite. If your upper teeth protrude out from your lower front teeth by 30% or more, you definitely suffer from an overbite.
Overbites can result from bad genetics or harmful oral habits as a child, leading to an unaligned jaw with teeth that obtrude.
Why Does an Overbite Occur?
While largely genetic, overbites can also occur due to multiple other reasons affecting the alignment of your teeth.
- Using a pacifier past the toddler age can cause an overbite.
- Biting your nails and other hard objects can cause the teeth to shift, leading to an overbite.
- Sucking your thumb excessively beyond the toddler years can cause your upper jaw teeth to protrude.
- Bruxism is also a common cause of overbite.
- Mandibular joint dysfunction can also cause misalignment of teeth and result in an overbite.
Types of Overbite
There are two main types of overbites, horizontal and vertical.
Horizontal overbites occur when the teeth in your upper jaw extend further than the bottom arch of your teeth. Vertical overbites are caused due to an overlap of the top teeth over the bottom teeth.
Overbites can also be classified as skeletal and dental.
Skeletal overbites result from uneven jaw development, leading to misaligned teeth and poor jaw form. Dental overbites occur due to a lack of proper dental development. The causes behind a dental overbite are:
- Poor oral hygiene habits.
- Bad eating habits.
- Overcrowding of teeth.
- A lack of teeth in the back of your mouth.
How to Fix an Overbite | Top Ways
Overbites are relatively common, and if they are treated in time, you can correct them by consulting a licensed and certified orthodontist. Your orthodontist can recommend the best treatment for you, depending on your case.
There are several answers to the question “how to fix an overbite.” Let’s look at some of the options.
Invisalign has recently become one of the most popular ways to correct misaligned teeth. It’s a method of orthodontic treatment that uses clear, transparent casings to exert controlled force over different sets of your teeth. The aligners in the treatment are changed every few weeks to deploy pressure to the required areas of your teeth.
Invisalign is custom-made for your set of teeth. The attraction of Invisalign lies in the fact that they are entirely transparent, rendering them invisible to the onlooker. These aligners can also be put on and removed at will.
Traditional Braces
Another excellent orthodontic treatment is to opt for traditional braces. They are the most commonly used form of treatment for misaligned teeth and are also cost-affordable. You can choose metal bracket braces that can be held together with colorful rubber bands. For those wondering how to fix an overbite in children, these are desirable option.
Your orthodontist may also advise you to go for ceramic braces. The brackets in ceramic braces are made of tooth-colored material that is perfect for adult braces because of their almost invisible appearance.
Retainers are not specifically used for correcting an overbite, but are integral in keeping the teeth straight after the overbite treatment is complete. Once you have completed your treatment, whether through Invisalign or braces, your orthodontist will provide you with a set of retainers. You will be required to use them regularly to maintain the final results of your treatment.
Your dentist will schedule a follow-up visit after six months, so wear your retainers regularly to prevent the overbite from coming back.
Tooth Extraction
Orthodontists resort to tooth extraction only in the most extreme cases. This is when the overbite is a result of severe overcrowding. Tooth extraction allows the teeth to move and gives them room to shift into their correct position, providing you with a straight row of teeth.
Oral Surgery
Orthodontists can also opt for oral surgery if the patient suffers from an exceptional case of overbite. The treatment is usually a combination of oral surgery followed by excellent orthodontic treatment to rectify the overbite. Oral surgery can provide highly successful results for an overbite.
Surgery is usually opted for skeletal overbites and only for extreme cases where the tooth roots have become solid in adults.
Visit Valley Ridge Dental to Fix Your Overbite
At Valley Ridge Dental, we provide comprehensive solutions to correct your overbite. We use state-of-the-art technology for all our treatments and provide patients with bespoke treatment plans catering to their conditions.
So think no more! Visit Valley Ridge Dental at 12425 55th St N Suite B, Lake Elmo, MN 55042, and get your overbite sorted out today! You can also request an appointment on our website or call (651) 439-0322.
Find the perfect reason to smile at Valley Ridge Dental.